The EIT HEI Initiative has announced the opening of the 3rd Pilot call for developing the innovation capacities of HEIs and other educational organizations. Out of the call, ca. 16 successful projects will be funded with max. 750,000€ per (up to EUR 350 000 for Phase 1 (May−December 2023) and up to EUR 400 000 for Phase 2 (January−July 2024)) aimed at increasing innovation capacities of the consortium partners. High priority shall be given to capacity building in the field of deep-tech* and clear description of steps should be given for reaching this goal.
The first Info session about the call uncovering all the details for applying will take place on the 17th of November for which you can register at:
You can find the details of the 3rd Pilot call here:
Call announcement:
For more info or questions please contact at; 060-623-542.
* Deep tech fields include advanced materials and manufacturing, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, blockchain, robotics, aerospace, photonics, electronics, quantum computing, sustainable energy and cleantech.